Architect and designer Jens Møller Nicolaisen (b. 1957) is well known among Citroën Traction Avant enthusiasts in Europe. He bought his first Citroën 11 Légere back in 1980 and has been deeply involved with these cars ever since. Among his activities: Co-founder of the Danish TA-club, editor of the club magazine through almost 40 years, active restorer of cars and researcher in automotive history. Board member of ACI (Amicale Citroën Internationale) through seven years. Since 2015 editor in chief of the monthly magazine of the national Danish Veteran Car Club. Member of several both national and international organisations related to automotive history.
The company Møller Nicolaisen design was established in 2002. The working fields are mosly into graphic design, escpecially printed media books, magazines and much more. Various kinds of communication and illustration from drawing to photography, logos, diagrams and manuals are among the many tasks. A large number of both private and public customers have been served through the years. This year we got officially registered as a publishing company.